Wire rope removal criteria are based on the use of steel
Inspection records
sheaves. If synthetic sheaves are used, consult the
Frequent inspection no records required.
sheave or equipment manufacturer.
Periodic inspection: In order to establish data as a basis
One outer wire broken at the contact point with the core
for judging the proper time for replacement a signed report
of the rope which has worked its way out of the rope struc
of rope condition at each periodic inspection should be
ture and protrudes or loops out from the rope structure.
kept on file. This report should include points of deteriora
Wear of one third the original diameter of outside
tion previously described.
individual wires.
A long range inspection program should be established
Kinking, crushing, birdcaging, or any other damage
and include records of examination of ropes removed from
resulting in dstortion of the rope structure.
service so a relationship can be established between visu
Evidence of any heat damage from any cause.
al observation and actual condition of the internal
Valley breaks.
Reductions from nominal rope diameter of more than:
Galvanized Structural Wire Strand
Carefully conducted inspections performed and recorded
on a regular basis are necessary to ascertain the condition
Reduction of
Nominal Rope Diameters
of structural strand at various stages of its useful life. The
object of inspection is to allow for removal of the strand
Up to & inc. 5/16"
from service before its condition, as a result of usage,
Over 5/16" thru 1/2"
could pose a hazard to continued normal operations.
Over 1/2" thru 3/4"
The individual making the inspection should be familiar
Over 3/4" thru 1 1/8"
with the operation, as his judgment is a most critical factor.
Over 1 1/8"
Special care should be taken at end terminations or at
dampener devices, as these are generally the most critical
In standing ropes, more than two broken wires in one
Conditions such as corrosion, number, type and distribu
lay in section beyond end connections or more than one
tion of broken wires, and diameter reduction should be
broken wire at an end connection.
evaluated and compared with previous inspection results.
Replacement rope shall have a strength rating at least as
The actual condition of the strand and inspection history
great as the original rope furnished by the equipement
together can then be used to decide if continued use of
manufacturer or as originally specified. Any deviation from
the product is advisable.
the original size, grade, or construction shall be specified
by the equipment manufacturer, original design engineer,
or a qualified person.
Note: Special methods and techniques may be used by
wire rope engineers or qualified persons to determine
the possible existence of internal corrosion or broken
Ropes not in regular use
wires in structural strand or similar conditions which
may exist out of sight in terminal connections.
All rope which has been idle for a period of a month or
Example: Wire breaks may sometimes occur just inside
more due to shutdown or storage of equipment on which it
the nose of the socket making visual inspection difficult.
is installed should be given inspections as previously
Judgments on wire integrity can be made by tapping or
sounding the wire by a person exprienced in this
inspection technique. If you have doubt about the method
to use for inspection or the condition of the strand or fitting,
contact your nearest West Coast Wire Rope location.
described before being placed in service. This inspection
should be for all types of deterioration and should be per
formed by an appointed or authorized person.
For further information on wire rope inspection refer
to the American Iron & Steel Institute's Wire Rope
Users Manual.