Inspection of Wire Rope and Structural Strand Next: (continued)  
qualified person and should be based on such factors as:
Wire Rope
expected rope life as determined by experience on the
Carefully conducted inspections are necessary to ascertain
particular installation or similar installations, severity of
the condition of wire rope at various states of it's useful
environment , percentage of capacity lifts, frequency rates
life.  The object of wire rope inspection is to allow for
of operation, and exposure to shock loads.  
removal of the rope from service before the rope's condi 
Periodic inspections with a signed report should be per 
tion, as a result of usage, could post a hazard to continued
formed by an appointed or authorized person.  This
normal operations. 
inspection should cover the entire lenth of rope.  The indi 
The individual making the inspection should be familiar
vidual wire in the strands of the rope should be visible to
with the product and the operation as his judgment is a
this person during the inspection.  Any deterioriation result 
most critical factor.  Various safety codes, regulations, and
ing in appreciable loss of original strength, such as
publications give inspection requirements for specific appli 
described below, should be noted and determination made
as to whether further use of the rope would constitute a
The following inspection procedure, taken from the ASME
B 30 series, serves as a model of typical inspection
Distortion of the rope such as kinking, birdcaging, crush 
ing, unstranding, main strand displacement, or core protru 
Frequent Inspection
Reduction of rope diameter below normal diameter due
All running ropes an slings in service should be visually
to loss of core support, internal or external corrosion, wear
inspected once each working day.  A visual inspection con 
of outside wires.
sists of observation of all rope and end conections which
Severely corroded or broken wires at end connetions.
can reasonably be expected to be in use during daily oper 
Severely corroded, cracked, bent, worn, or improperly
atons.  These visual observations should be concerned
applied end connections.
with discovering gross damage such as listed below, which
may be an immediate hazard:
Special care should be taken when inspecting portions
Distortion of the rope such as kinking, crushing, 
subjected to rapid deterioration such as the following:
unstranding, birdcaging, main strand displacement or core
Portions in contact with saddles, equalizer sheaves, or
other sheaves where rope travel is limited.
General Corrosion.
Portions of the rope at or near terminal ends where 
Broken or cut strands.
corroded or broken wires may protrude.
Number, distribution and type of visible broken wires.
Rope Replacement
No precise rules can be given for determination of the
Special care should be taken when inspecting portions
exact time for replacement of rope, since many variable
subjected to rapid deterioration such as flange points,
factors are involved.  Continued use in this respect
crossover points and repetitive pickup points on drums.
depends largely upon good judgment by an appointed or
Special care should also be taken when inspecting por 
authorized person in evaluating remaining strength in a
tions subjected to rapid deterioration such as flage points,
used rope, after allowance for deterioration disclosed by
crossover points and repetitive pickup points on drums. 
inspection.  Continued rope operation depends upon this
Special care should also be taken when inspecting certain
remaining strength.
ropes such as:
Conditions such as the following should be sufficient rea 
Rotation resistant ropes such as 19x7 and 8x19,
son for questioning continued use of the rope or increasing
because of their higher susceptibility to damage and
the frequency of inspection.
increased deterioration when working on equipment with
In running ropes, six randomly distributed broken wires
limited design parameters. 
in one lay, or three broken wires in one strand in one lay.
Boom hoist ropes because of the difficulties of inspec 
(The number of wire breaks beyond which concern should
tion and important nature of these ropes.
be shown varies with rope usage and construction.  For
When damage is discovered, the rope should either be
general application 6 and 3 are satisfactory.  Ropes used
removed from service or given an inspection as detailed in
on overhead and gantry cranes (as defined in ASME B 30,
the section below.
2 1983) can be inspected to 12 and 4.  Rotation resistant
Periodic inspection
ropes should be inspected to 4 and 2.)
The inspection frequency should be determined by a