Installation, Operation and Maintenance Recommendations
Next: (continued)
On installations where the rope
Crane ropes will fatigue at an equalizer sheave. Careful
passes over a sheave onto the
inspection is required to identify fatigue points.
drum, the maximum fleet angle
Hoist ropes will frequently fail from vibration fatigue at
(angle between the center line of
sockets,clips and dead end points.
the sheave and the rope) should be
not more than 1 1/2 degrees for a
On most installations, wear and fatigue are more severe
smooth faced drum and 2 degrees
on one half of the rope than the other. Changing a rope
for a grooved drum. A 1 1/2 degree
end for end more evenly distributes wear and fatigue from
fleet angle is equivalent to 38 feet
repeated bending and vibration.
of lead for each foot of rope travel
on either side of the center line of
the sheave. Smaller fleet angles
Factory lubrication is not always sufficient to last the useful
may result in the rope piling up on
life of wire rope. Periodic field lubrication may be required
the durm. Larger fleet angles may
to minimize friction and provide corrosion protection.
cause excessive wear from rubbing
Important guides for field lubrication.
against the flanges of the sheave
Ropes should be inspected frequently to determine the
as well as excessive crushing and
need for lubrication.
abrasion of the rope on the drum.
Clean the rope thoroughly with a wire brush, scraper or
compressed air to remove foreign material and old lubri
cant from the valleys between the strands and the spaces
between the outer wires.
The lubricant should be applied at a point where the
Break In
rope is being bent in order to promote penetration within
A few trips through the working cycle at slow speed and
the strands. It may be applied by pouring, dripping or
light load will set the strands firmly in place for smooth,
efficient operation.
On applications using a wedge socket, such as drag and
Used motor oil is not recommended as a wire rope lubri
hoist ropes, it is also a good idea to cut off a short section
of rope to allow twist to run out and to equalize the
Measuring Wire Rope
Skillfull operation is important to wire rope performance.
Rapid acceleration, shock loading and excessive vibration
can cause premature rope failure. Smooth, steady appli
cation of power by the equipment operator can add signifi
cantly to wire rope service life.
Shifting Wear Points
Some sections of most wire ropes get more wear than oth
ers. A regular inspection program will identify points of
The diameter if a wire rope is the diameter of the smallest
wear and lead to wear shift practices that will extend wire
circle which will enclose all the strands. Measurements
rope life.
should be made to the outer wires.
In many commom situations, cutting off short lengths of
the rope will redistribute the points of maximum wear:
Rope on a drum with two or more layers will wear at the
point where the rope starts each successive layer.